Dispatchers should avoid these unethical practices.

Dispatchers, being the people who ensure help comes in due time to save life or other things in an emergency, play an important role in emergency response. They require effective and fair response on unethical practices. In this article, we are going to enumerate some examples of unethical practices that dispatchers should not engage in.
Call prioritization through personal relationships may still be very harmful to some other clients. When dispatchers give priority to friends and acquaintances over other people in need, a very dangerous situation arises where some find themselves delayed in emergency responses, and this has put many people’s lives at risk. This is an unethical practice and against the integrity of the dispatching profession.
Another inappropriate act that dispatchers should never practice is the acceptance of bribes or any other kind of kickbacks. Not only does this act dent the integrity of the dispatcher, but it can also have serious legal ramifications. Acceptance of these kinds of kickbacks will generally lead to partiality, an act that in most cases affects the effectiveness and impartiality of the dispatcher in the execution of their duties adversely.
This can also be under the influence of personal biases of the dispatcher. A dispatcher should be able to identify personal biases and do everything possible to make sure they are not affected in the work at hand. The dispassion maintains objectivity and non-partisanship in their work to ensure that everyone gets help when he or she requires it.
Another unethical action that a dispatcher should never practice is providing misleading information to emergency responders. This misplaced information can lead to a later response, which can result in fatality in some circumstances. This, therefore, calls for openness and accuracy in the communications dispatchers will make with emergency responders so as to afford the right help, which is sent promptly and safely.
In sum, a crucial component of the profession of dispatchers is the maintenance of a high level of morality and ethics. In the provision of public service, the practice of under-the-table transactions such as biasing calls, bribery through kinships, or appeasement of personal biases cannot find a home in the service. Other reasons, aside from ethical imperative, the adherence to moral practice also ensures the acquisition and maintenance of trust and professional reputations in the dispatching profession.